ABOUT agefotostock

agefotostock is a stock photography, vectors, and video agency based in Spain, with offices in Barcelona and Madrid and companies in New York and Paris. We manage licensing rights for photographic images and video clips for corporate, editorial, advertising, and design.

We specialize in the hosting and distribution of stock photography through our technological hosting platform. We offer an extensive database of high-quality Creative and Editorial images and videos for professional use.

International photographers and videographers contribute their work to our three brands; agefotostock (Rights Managed), Pixtal (Royalty Free), and easyFotostock (Low Budget Royalty Free). We also distribute over 400 collections from other photography agencies in different countries through a reliable network of agents.

What is agefotostock today?

agefotostock was founded in 1973, 47 years ago, in Barcelona, Spain. Alfonso Gutierrez Escera, a former chemist, turned photographer, decided to stop producing assignment works for a Spanish publishing house, and start taking pictures of what he saw interesting and try to sell the results afterward. There was only the desire and satisfaction to enjoy photography by shooting and distributing images.

To make agefotostock work, the founder capitalized on all the miscellaneous knowledge and business acumen accumulated in his past endeavors. His diverse background enabled the company to achieve one of the three agefotostock defining terms: independence. Since the early days of film, dupes, and processing up to today's digital world, agefotostock has managed very well to be completely independent. The same independent character can be seen in the development of the technology, the THP (www.thpservices.com) that manages the company's daily operations and several others worldwide.

agefotostock has always been coherent in its approach to business development. Its fundamental goals were not about being number one in anything, nor being dependent on anybody. Therefore, the company has been able to avoid ventures that would have endangered its autonomy and existence, as we have seen happening along these 47 years.

Independence, coherency, and satisfaction are the words that best describe the company's history, a place to work in what satisfies you.

If you have any doubts, or need further information, please contact


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